Fiberglass Art

We are excited to show off some impressive art from one of our talented customer's, Natalie. Scroll through the images below to see a variety of meticulously crafted pieces using an array of our Fiberglass Warehouse products including pour foam, white gel coat, chopped strand mat, ortho laminating resin, ISO tooling resin and Duraglas putty.

Natalie walked us through her process-

"I am a sculptress. I sculpt my work in clay and/or foam, brush on a silicone mold, then create a fiberglass mother mold. A white gel coat is brushed into the mold to capture the detail followed by layers of fiberglass. Attached are some examples of my work."


Inspired to start your own resin art journey? Visit our website HERE to explore the products we offer and unleash your creativity! Start creating something amazing today.

🔗 Check out more of Natalie’s art:


Want to be Featured on our Website and Social Media?


Take a photo of one of your projects using Fiberglass Warehouse products, whether it be art, a custom car part, marine projects or anything else, we want to see it!!

Your photos will appear on our website, across our social media platforms and we will give a shoutout to your company (or you). This is a chance to show off your work and inspire others.

In return for sending us high quality photos, we will give you a 10% off coupon code to use on your next order. You can email photos and video to

By Dallin Leach 0 comment


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