Our custom-colored gel coats are a superior grade ISO NPG resin that have good weather, heat and water resistance. They come in a variety of 72 different colors, Our custom colored gel coats create high quality finished parts and provide a durable protective surface. It polishes to a high gloss finish and is great for new parts and repair work. Cures at room temperature with the addition of MEKP catalyst.

The custom-colored gel coats come with or without wax. Gel coat with wax is generally used for the last coat to create a hard tack free finish. Gel coat without wax is used for multiple layers. It cures tacky which means there is no need for sanding between layers. 

A custom color chart can be requested to find the perfect color from the ones we offer. If you still can’t find what you need, find a color card at Sherwin Williams paint store that best matches your part. We can match most colors that they carry.

Popular Uses

-Cosmetic gelcoat repair

-Yacht/ Boat construction

-Mold construction

-Color matching

-Manufactured parts

-Hand lay up and spray up applications

Needed Supplies (this will vary depending on your project):


-Work in a well-ventilated area. Gel coat resin gives off strong fumes

-Wear proper safety clothing including gloves and a face mask

-Make sure the gel coat, room and the surface you are working on are heated up to room temperature.  The ideal temperature to work in is between 70-95 °F degrees.


-Surface needs to be clean and free from contaminates before getting started.

-Sanding may be necessary if applying over old gel coat. This will help create a good bond between the old gel coat and new gel coat.

-Use a graduated mixing cup to measure the gel coat

-If using a gel coat gun/spray gun, styrene monomer can be added up to 8% by volume to thin the gel coat. Thinning the gel coat helps give it better flowability when spraying.

-If using pigments, add to gel coat up to 1% by volume before the MEKP.

-MEKP can be used between 1% and 2% by volume of resin but we recommend 1.25% to 1.75% depending on how long of a pot life and working time is desired. The more MEKP that is used, the shorter the pot life/ working time will be. The less MEKP that is used, the more pot life/ working time there will be. You can find our MEKP catalyst quantity chart HERE.

-Mix gel coat and hardener thoroughly for at least one minute. Some gel coat spray guns will mix the MEKP as it is sprayed so make sure to follow the manufacturer instructions that came with the gun.

-It is best to work in smaller batches

-Apply with a gel coat spray gun, brush or roller. Spraying will give it the best cosmetic results. A paint spray gun can also be used but will need to have at least a 2mm spray nozzle. It will also need to be washed immediately after use to prevent gel coat from clogging it up.

-Gel time will vary from around 17-23 minutes depending on how much MEKP hardener was added and the room temperature. It can be faster or take longer depending on those factors.

-Continue adding layers of gel coat if needed. 18-20 mils thickness is recommended. Make sure to wait for the layer to gel before adding another layer.

On the final layer, add surface seal for a hard tack free cure or use a waxed gel coat.

-Cure at room temperature

-Once completely cured, sand to get a nice smooth finish.

Handling and Storage

-Closed gel coat and MEKP containers should be stored in a cool, dry place. It should be stored at temperatures below 75°F and away from heat sources, sunlight and flames.

-Uncured gel coat can be dissolved and removed from tools and equipment with acetone.

Important Notes

-Polyester gel coat should not be applied over a part made with epoxy resin. It will not adhere well.

-Do not add too much MEKP.  If too much hardener is added, the finished product can be prone to fractures or resin will become rubbery in the mixing cup.

-If you do not add enough MEKP, your laminate may never cure.

***Always try out a small test batch first.  Working with gel coat/ resin is more of an art than a science***

By Dallin Leach 0 comment


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