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One or our customers, Chet, sent us these pictures of his PT109 project. Here is a few things he said about his great looking RC boat-
The hull, deck and cabin is made from 3/16" balsawood.
The hull was fiberglassed with your fabric and a resin I had on hand.
The torpedo tubes are 1/2" PVC conduit. The torpedoes are 1/2" dowels. The green towers are 2" PVC conduit with fittings cut down on a chop or miter saw. The cabin vents sticking up are 1/2" sprinkler fittings and the guns were ordered from Battle Craft in the UK. Most other parts are made out of whatever I could find and made it work.
The twin motors are outrunners for airplanes. The speed controls are 100amp rated. The receiver is a Spectrum 4 channel. The transmitter is for airplanes. Its a Spectrum DX18. All the water around here is still frozen so I'll have to wail until it thaws for a launch.
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